
Behind the scene of the european directive CSRD

Explore the CSRD European directive and its short, medium and long-term impact on companies and the notion of performance.

Read the whitepaper
Cover image - Behind the scene of the european directive CSRD

Understanding the impact of the CSRD European Directive on Business Performance

Discover how the CSRD European directive is transforming the financial landscape, impacting Belgian companies. Dive into our whitepaper to explore in detail the short, medium and long-term implications of the CSRD for businesses, and find out how they can adapt their strategy to thrive in this new, ever-changing regulatory environment.

Should we reconsider the notion of performance?

With the arrival of new European regulations via the CSRD directive, finance departments now have a stronger reporting obligation. Although in the short term this means sacrificing some financial performance, it is an essential step towards sustainable performance. Over the past four years, significant changes in the environment have prompted companies to revisit the notion of performance.

These must now take into account new financial elements such as inflation, but they must also encompass extra-financial aspects to a greater extent.

What is certain is that the repercussions of extra-financial controversies will have a major impact on companies’ financial performance.

Hervé Amar, Ayming Chairman