In 2021 some 3.22% of the GDP was spent on innovation, which means that Belgium belongs to the top 4 most innovative countries of Europe.
Numerous measures have been introduced to stimulate financial efforts in favor of R&D and Innovation. Our research and experience shows us that Belgian enterprises would appear to be aware of the existing rules, but are less adept to applying all the rules with complete confidence.
With more than 20 years of experience in Belgium the experts from Ayming take a unique approach based on:
- the cartography of your scientific environment, as it was for the implementation of the associated fiscal or financial measures. That way everything can be applied to best effect, because R&D and Innovation, as for the majority of Ayming’s clients, end up lost in the chaos. Matters such as the improvement of industrial processes, the adaptation of old software or the testing of new software, the digitization of procedures, etc., are often pushed to one side;
- the payback of your investments in R&D and Innovation, i.e., that you book progress in your accountancy and fiscal and corporate affairs;
- the securing of efforts delivered by an unequalled expertise in the identification of R&D projects and our knowledge of the Belgian management mechanisms, and also in the implementation of concrete measures for your payroll and the guarantees offered you through the proposed contracts;
- the introduction of a real financing strategy for your R&D. Benchmarks and simulations can help you to set up the most relevant levers for the development of your Management in Innovation Performance.
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